Time-Space Love And Birthing Into Oneness

What a marvelous time it is! I have this vision of doorways being opened and the corridor made clear for the next evolutionary advancement of humanity. As more people come into their own authority and awareness, those who try to coerce, shame or control will fall by the wayside where they will be forced to see themselves and their folly. It’s their turn for soul searching, tolerance and silence—a time to grow up. The way is open to those who are committed to cooperation, intelligent discourse and compassionate action. We are moving ever closer to awakening to wholeness and realizing our basic goodness. Those on this path instinctively know what to do and how to be. There is no need for a self-help, how-to manual. The way is known through the heart and is effortless. If the path becomes too complicated or too mental, then it becomes a different way that just takes more time and energy.

The next step of the journey is to metaphorically open the door for others and reflect the light. There is no need to convince or speak a word. There’s nothing more to say that hasn’t already been said ad infinitum. Maybe it’s time to go beyond language or recreate it in a higher, more resonant form. In any event, may we be in love, come from love and beam the infused light from the heart to ignite the light that is instilled in others. We mustn’t be impatient or wait for their light to turn on. Everyone has his own time and path. We just need to be in our own time-space of Love and aliveness.

No right. No wrong. No shoulds. No need to do. Best to do less and just be in time-space Love. What this feels or looks like is a slowing down to perceive, to gaze outside at the environment as well as reflect on our own internal terrain. See the endless sky and its sky creatures. See the earth and all its amazing fauna and flora. Observe your feelings and thoughts that seem to be moving at the speed of light, then watch them slow, then speed up again. Can you decipher between right/left brain, feeling/thinking?

It’s mindboggling to imagine that we are made of stardust and earth particles, matter and spirit, and are guided by a miraculous mental, emotional and spiritual “apparatus”. I prefer not to name what this is and to maintain the ineffable mystery.

Isn’t it wondrous to imagine being connected to a universal field or a collective unconscious that is rapidly becoming conscious of itself and our essential oneness with everything? The more we can suspend judgment and critical thinking, the greater the view, the greater our expansiveness.

What a marvelous time this is to be a witness to our own birth!


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