Solstice Astrology, et al
The world at large continues to play out its drama as we continue to dance with it. Alex and I try hard not to engage the fear and violence through our tendency to cynicism and outrage. Thanks be to Ned (patron saint of comfortable shoe wear) for “The Daily Show”, “The Colbert Report” and “The Simpsons” for comic relief! Mother Nature might have the last laugh anyway with global warming and rapid climate change. Will the Sonoran Desert become another Sahara or a rainforest? We’re hoping for a seaport with a view of the California Islands. Nevertheless, we’re a pretty resilient species, kind of like cockroaches, and capable of making positive changes in renewable energy and sustainable agriculture, we just need a crisis to move us. Uh, hello…wakey...wakey! It's time to retrofit America and wean off our oil and coal dependence.
How about as an experiment we give war a rest and see what peace, cooperation and shared resources might be like. Has it ever been done? “…Imagine there’s no country, no religion, too. You may call me a dreamer, but I’m not the only one…” (Thank you, J.L., may you and Nixon RIP! Actually, Nixon has probably already returned to earth as a peacenik in some repressed nation to burn off some karma. J.L. might have completed his last stand here and is working as a Bodhisattva with Gandhi.)
Regarding the current, yet ever-changing cosmic terrain, here are some mind teasers from Stephanie Austin of Mountain Astrologer Magazine:
• The cosmic line-up of planets recently in Sagittarius generated a riptide in consciousness, loosening us from the moorings of our social, religious, and cultural conditioning. (Yes!!!)
• Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius, quintile to Neptune, widened the doorway to higher consciousness. (We can do it!!!)
• One more factor indicates that we are poised for a quantum leap. The New Moon (on December 20th) and Pluto aligned with the Galactic Center (GC), where a super black hole, 4 million times more massive than our Sun, occupies the hub and heart of our Milky Way galaxy. (!!!!!!!!) Black holes are titanic energy sinks and also colossal transmitters of radio waves, with periodic flares of x-ray and infrared radiation…This catalyzes evolutionary changes in both our bodies and our psyches; we’re being retooled, rewired, and re-coded.” (Consider acupuncture to help fine tune your vessel!) Although Pluto’s astronomical classification is debatable, Plutonian transits still coincide with major transitions and initiations, where we explore the unconscious, shadow parts of human nature, release or transform whatever is blocking our progress, and ultimately realize our true identity, purpose and relationship with all of Creation.” (Whooooooooooo Huuuuuuuuuuuuuu!) And, Pluto aligns with the GC only once every 248 years; the last pass occurred in 1758-59, just preceding the Industrial and American Revolutions.
“This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius…the Age of Aquarius….
A Q U A R I U S…” According to the Mayan Calendar, there are a series of cycles going back to the Big Bang and some 16.4 billion years ago that will be culminating in 4-5 short years! Wowie zowie! (Read "The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness" by Carl Johan Calleman, PhD.) Are we on the brink of a r/evolution in consciousness or just a cosmic hiccup? We have our cosmic helmets and red shoes ready. There’s no place like here. There’s no place like now. There’s no place like Om. (Read "Crazy Wisdom" by Wes Nisker.)
May this find you well and awakening from humanity’s long slumber. As the Maya say “I am another yourself.”
May all beings be happy,
How about as an experiment we give war a rest and see what peace, cooperation and shared resources might be like. Has it ever been done? “…Imagine there’s no country, no religion, too. You may call me a dreamer, but I’m not the only one…” (Thank you, J.L., may you and Nixon RIP! Actually, Nixon has probably already returned to earth as a peacenik in some repressed nation to burn off some karma. J.L. might have completed his last stand here and is working as a Bodhisattva with Gandhi.)
Regarding the current, yet ever-changing cosmic terrain, here are some mind teasers from Stephanie Austin of Mountain Astrologer Magazine:
• The cosmic line-up of planets recently in Sagittarius generated a riptide in consciousness, loosening us from the moorings of our social, religious, and cultural conditioning. (Yes!!!)
• Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius, quintile to Neptune, widened the doorway to higher consciousness. (We can do it!!!)
• One more factor indicates that we are poised for a quantum leap. The New Moon (on December 20th) and Pluto aligned with the Galactic Center (GC), where a super black hole, 4 million times more massive than our Sun, occupies the hub and heart of our Milky Way galaxy. (!!!!!!!!) Black holes are titanic energy sinks and also colossal transmitters of radio waves, with periodic flares of x-ray and infrared radiation…This catalyzes evolutionary changes in both our bodies and our psyches; we’re being retooled, rewired, and re-coded.” (Consider acupuncture to help fine tune your vessel!) Although Pluto’s astronomical classification is debatable, Plutonian transits still coincide with major transitions and initiations, where we explore the unconscious, shadow parts of human nature, release or transform whatever is blocking our progress, and ultimately realize our true identity, purpose and relationship with all of Creation.” (Whooooooooooo Huuuuuuuuuuuuuu!) And, Pluto aligns with the GC only once every 248 years; the last pass occurred in 1758-59, just preceding the Industrial and American Revolutions.
“This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius…the Age of Aquarius….
A Q U A R I U S…” According to the Mayan Calendar, there are a series of cycles going back to the Big Bang and some 16.4 billion years ago that will be culminating in 4-5 short years! Wowie zowie! (Read "The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness" by Carl Johan Calleman, PhD.) Are we on the brink of a r/evolution in consciousness or just a cosmic hiccup? We have our cosmic helmets and red shoes ready. There’s no place like here. There’s no place like now. There’s no place like Om. (Read "Crazy Wisdom" by Wes Nisker.)
May this find you well and awakening from humanity’s long slumber. As the Maya say “I am another yourself.”
May all beings be happy,