"Sicko" and Our Shameful Sick-Care System

Dear Friends,

Do you ever feel like rioting and burning effigies of the powers-that-be? I do, even as an alleged Buddhist, or especially so. I've felt riotous often over the past 7-1/2 years, but especially after seeing Michael Moore's brilliant and woefully accurate documentary, "Sicko". I saw it with 8 others, ironically or appropriately on the day we were supposed to celebrate the illusion of American democracy. I felt ashamed, depressed and outraged that our nation has declined to such an inhumane place in its history of not caring for its sick. It's unconscionable and nearly unbelievable. But believe it, so that we can change it! Of course, I immediately wanted to move to Canada, France, Britain, Germany, Australia, Costa Rica or even Cuba, where I know I wouldn't go bankrupt if I suddenly became ill or injured. And I wouldn’t have to stress about whether or not I was “covered”. Moore did a splendid job of getting out of the way and letting middle class Americans tell their grim tales of being "under insured" and denied treatment. What the hell is that? Other countries don't "under insure"! They have UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE, health care that's available to ALL, rich or poor, with no fear of "pre-existing” conditions. Doctors get paid for offering the best treatments available and helping people stay well. What a concept!

The movie showed a disabled 9/11 emergency worker who has difficulty paying $125 for her lung medication. She discovered that the same medication in Cuba costs .5 cents!!!!!!!!! Cuba is a poor country, thanks to years of ridiculous embargoes, but they have accessible health care on nearly every block. Another scene showed Americans living in Paris. It was pointed out that in France the government is afraid of the people, who frequently protest for their rights and, therefore, have them (universal health care, a 35-hour work week, minimum 5 weeks vacation, 6 months+ maternity leave, home health care, preventative medicine and amazingly good wine). Unfortunately, we Americans seem to be afraid of big-daddy government that keeps us brainwashed and afraid. Universal health care is akin to communism here. Actually, I think middle class Americans have become too sick, too in debt and too hopeless to do anything different...like protest.

I believe that instituting a government run, universal health care system is the right thing to do, and getting insurance company profiteers out of the picture. Insurance companies should not be dictating how doctors treat people! I'll gladly pay my taxes for this rightful coverage for all. Unfortunately, corporate government and corporate medicine are not going to change easily. Therefore, we have to! So, get on your boots, get as healthy as you can and CRY BLOODY MURDER because that's what's being done to many middle-class people through our current healthcare-less system. Michael Moore may just help push the momentum for this overdue change. The wealthiest nation shouldn't be the sickest at our cost!

Don't miss this movie! Your life or someone you care about may depend on it!

To OUR health and WE, the people!

Riotous Stone

P.S. The best revenge is living a healthy lifestyle and avoiding modern medicine altogether.


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