Akashic Reading for 2010

Through working in our Akashic Records via teleconference, we were guided by Linda Howe to move forward and backward in history to see where we may have come from, where we are and where we may be going.

Insights Through Antiquity

I found myself 2,000 years ago as a young, wiry Egyptian slave girl living off my wits, strength and adrenal energy to stay alive and be treated well. Then 1,000 years ago I found myself living close to the earth in a forested region. What set me apart from my tribe was my curiosity and always looking towards the heavens for an answer or dawning. Another vision some 500-1000 years ago, I am a servant for the aristocracy, struggling to do what I’m told, being a good seamstress and knowing there is more to the oppressiveness of church and government but having no outlet for expression. 500 years from now finds me as a captain of a time-traveling machine that transports advanced beings and planetary healers through the universe.

Now: The Time of Awakening and Being in Tucson

We inquired why we were here on earth at this time. I am here as an usher of sorts, or wayshower, to help greet and orient my soul family and direct them off-planet when appropriate. My work is to unite the Heart/Mind, reconnect with the Divine and infuse its compassionate wisdom with Nature. I now have the freedom that I did not have in the past to devote my life to healing and expanding consciousness. This is the Time of The Awakening for many. My work is to help alleviate pain so that others may see their own divinity and that of all life forms. This “lightening” helps infuse the greater Field with Light that helps advance all souls. I’m also in Tucson now as this is a major energetic portal to higher dimensions. It is a crater, a cradle, a container in which to receive the download and exchange of Light information. Tucson will become a major galactic information waystation.

During this exploratory journey in the Records, I had a humorous vision of myself as the proverbial, wise and fearless archetypal witch luring people with pain into the new Acacia Clinic space. And, unbeknownst to them, through subtle alchemy, I will nudge them on the hero’s journey. By doing something different, their fear, resistance and pain will dissipate and they will awaken to their own aliveness and oneness. Once alive and awake, they can go forth and help the others struggling along the path.

Insight into 2010 and the Post Revolution

A poignant moment was opening the Records of 2010. My orientation was from River and Campbell seeing wise elders sitting about on benches calmly absorbing and reflecting the new energies. There were images of fireworks, the excitement (vs. foreboding) of a comet, the openness of the Renaissance with salons, philosophy and art abounding. I had an image of standing on the shore awaiting a mighty tsunami. However, like the animals in Indonesia, those who are awake will be ahead of the wave. I am to use my instinctual animal spirit to help others to “higher ground”.

Having been awaiting “the revolution” since the 60s, I was surprised to see that the new times are like that of the post revolution and a time of a great coming together. For those willing to awaken and change, we will welcome and celebrate the “Global We”. The age of resistance is over! This is a time of rejoicing, allowing and belonging.

The energy of 2010 is that of reuniting with our soul group through the enlightened, global energy grid. This is the year of the great awakening, of reuniting with other Light beings.

We’ve gone from slave, servant to service. Our work now is learning how to effectively navigate through the new energies and cultivate harmonious change and community.

Linda Joy Stone


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