I have been working in the Akashic Records on and off since 1996. Having a respect for all oracles of wisdom, I consult the Records when I need clarity and deeper insight on a pressing issue in my life. In order to assist others at an impasse or when standing at the threshold of change, I have incorporated the Records into my clinical practice with a specialty I call Core Akashic Acupuncture. The ‘treatment room’ serves as a sacred space to go deeper into consciousness via the Records followed by tapping into the bodymind or Akashic Field to further Center, Open, Release and Expand (CORE) into essential Oneness.
To help illuminate my own conscious awareness, I took Linda Howe’s 6-month independent study course in 2007 called “Ordinary Life from an Extraordinary Perspective”. Here is an excerpt of what the Records revealed on the issue of ‘Grace’.
How am I impeded from the ongoing experience of grace and how can I release this blockage?
I simply forget that I am one with all and all is one. I become hypnotized and distracted by low-level features of consensus reality that creates an agitated, disharmonious frequency of dualistic mind. I can release this blockage by calling on the guidance of what I perceive as the archetype of a feminine, loving Grace.
‘She’ is the essence of aliveness, beauty, love and the rhythmic cycles of nature. Grace is also represented as the female deity—dakini, yoghini, Tara, Skydancer, the muse, and a symbol of the natural mind (rigpa). I am simply to ‘remember’ this loving presence and allow Her to infuse and guide me in my interpersonal work.
Ask the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones to reveal a previous lifetime of enhanced grace or graciousness.
I was between lives in an exalted, etheric form of formlessness. I can see her/me now as a feminine lightbody of pure love, compassion and empathy. I had experienced a prior life of torment and pain, of not being understood and of being persecuted by the ignorant. This lightbody archetype of the Empress/Goddess/Mother/Gaia enfolded me in her loving awareness so that I was able to release the scars, burdens and resentments and transform them into being part of the learning curriculum and drama of that incarnation. The ignorant ones were allowed forgiveness so that they may be capable of for-giving and, therefore, changing. In that release and nurtured state, I have the opportunity to remember such loving compassion and embody it in this incarnation.
The message from my feminine lightbody is to be a wayshower for others through humor, empathy and witnessing/mirroring. It is essential that I continue to re-member (from dismembering to remembering) daily. It is simply shifting my vibratory rate up a notch in my third chakra from judgment and moving into the fourth heart chakra into love and acceptance. IT’S NO BIG DEAL TO NOT MAKE SOMETHING A BIG DEAL, even though the ego-mind loves to indulge in dramatic storylines.
Ask the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones to reveal a future probability of myself in this life, where I am staying in the state of grace and graciousness.
It is 10 years hence where Alex and I have survived the massive earth changes. We live in a ‘terranium’ home built partially into the earth, surrounded by gardens and greenery. We are in a healing community where resources and gifted qualities and capacities are shared.
I have aged gracefully and gratefully, have nursed many sick and dying and now reap the gifts of a slowed, conscious lifestyle preparing for my own future transition. I laugh and cry easily and embrace anyone or anything that draws itself to my front door. All is provided for. I needn’t go further than my small, sustainable village. I am here to live out my days as simply and joyfully as I may. I can leave my body at will and travel the universe to continue my education and prepare for my eventual move off-planet. I do not rush, nor argue, nor delay in releasing what I do not want in my sphere. All I have to do is lift my hand, palm outward and say “No!” to dismiss and deflect any potential for disharmony or negative energy. I live in a place of “Yes!” and hold both palms up to the heavens in gratitude. I have learned to live graciously in present time, which is now All-time. We communicate less with words and more through Heartmind Telepathy. I receive and mentor others, having many younger students, and allow no-thing to worry or impede my state of grace and our mission to reseed and re-pattern Earth’s multifield. We have become multifield technicians and Earth guardians.
I have learned to live graciously with loss and with less. My life and work had prepared me for The Great Change, a time when Earth could no longer sustain humanity’s ignorance and abuse, which had to be relinquished through pestilence, climatic and geological upheavals and off-planet exoduses. Only the physically healthy, conscious and courageous could survive the painful transition to higher frequencies. With Grace and strength I elected to stay behind with my beloved community to help recolonize and reseed The Garden.
To help illuminate my own conscious awareness, I took Linda Howe’s 6-month independent study course in 2007 called “Ordinary Life from an Extraordinary Perspective”. Here is an excerpt of what the Records revealed on the issue of ‘Grace’.
How am I impeded from the ongoing experience of grace and how can I release this blockage?
I simply forget that I am one with all and all is one. I become hypnotized and distracted by low-level features of consensus reality that creates an agitated, disharmonious frequency of dualistic mind. I can release this blockage by calling on the guidance of what I perceive as the archetype of a feminine, loving Grace.
‘She’ is the essence of aliveness, beauty, love and the rhythmic cycles of nature. Grace is also represented as the female deity—dakini, yoghini, Tara, Skydancer, the muse, and a symbol of the natural mind (rigpa). I am simply to ‘remember’ this loving presence and allow Her to infuse and guide me in my interpersonal work.
Ask the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones to reveal a previous lifetime of enhanced grace or graciousness.
I was between lives in an exalted, etheric form of formlessness. I can see her/me now as a feminine lightbody of pure love, compassion and empathy. I had experienced a prior life of torment and pain, of not being understood and of being persecuted by the ignorant. This lightbody archetype of the Empress/Goddess/Mother/Gaia enfolded me in her loving awareness so that I was able to release the scars, burdens and resentments and transform them into being part of the learning curriculum and drama of that incarnation. The ignorant ones were allowed forgiveness so that they may be capable of for-giving and, therefore, changing. In that release and nurtured state, I have the opportunity to remember such loving compassion and embody it in this incarnation.
The message from my feminine lightbody is to be a wayshower for others through humor, empathy and witnessing/mirroring. It is essential that I continue to re-member (from dismembering to remembering) daily. It is simply shifting my vibratory rate up a notch in my third chakra from judgment and moving into the fourth heart chakra into love and acceptance. IT’S NO BIG DEAL TO NOT MAKE SOMETHING A BIG DEAL, even though the ego-mind loves to indulge in dramatic storylines.
Ask the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones to reveal a future probability of myself in this life, where I am staying in the state of grace and graciousness.
It is 10 years hence where Alex and I have survived the massive earth changes. We live in a ‘terranium’ home built partially into the earth, surrounded by gardens and greenery. We are in a healing community where resources and gifted qualities and capacities are shared.
I have aged gracefully and gratefully, have nursed many sick and dying and now reap the gifts of a slowed, conscious lifestyle preparing for my own future transition. I laugh and cry easily and embrace anyone or anything that draws itself to my front door. All is provided for. I needn’t go further than my small, sustainable village. I am here to live out my days as simply and joyfully as I may. I can leave my body at will and travel the universe to continue my education and prepare for my eventual move off-planet. I do not rush, nor argue, nor delay in releasing what I do not want in my sphere. All I have to do is lift my hand, palm outward and say “No!” to dismiss and deflect any potential for disharmony or negative energy. I live in a place of “Yes!” and hold both palms up to the heavens in gratitude. I have learned to live graciously in present time, which is now All-time. We communicate less with words and more through Heartmind Telepathy. I receive and mentor others, having many younger students, and allow no-thing to worry or impede my state of grace and our mission to reseed and re-pattern Earth’s multifield. We have become multifield technicians and Earth guardians.
I have learned to live graciously with loss and with less. My life and work had prepared me for The Great Change, a time when Earth could no longer sustain humanity’s ignorance and abuse, which had to be relinquished through pestilence, climatic and geological upheavals and off-planet exoduses. Only the physically healthy, conscious and courageous could survive the painful transition to higher frequencies. With Grace and strength I elected to stay behind with my beloved community to help recolonize and reseed The Garden.