May Day 2011
Happy May Day! This is a r/evolutionary workers’ day around the world, except in the U.S. We created our own Labor Day in September, I suppose to distance ourselves from any affiliations with that godless socialism for the people. Today is also Beltane, a Celtic springtime festival of optimism and fertility, never mind associated with witches and paganism. Bring on the faeries as this sounds like my kind of day—honoring a fertile Earth and justice for the people. Surely, it’s time to let our voices be heard as we dance around the maypole.
Happy May Day! This is a r/evolutionary workers’ day around the world, except in the U.S. We created our own Labor Day in September, I suppose to distance ourselves from any affiliations with that godless socialism for the people. Today is also Beltane, a Celtic springtime festival of optimism and fertility, never mind associated with witches and paganism. Bring on the faeries as this sounds like my kind of day—honoring a fertile Earth and justice for the people. Surely, it’s time to let our voices be heard as we dance around the maypole.