Reading the Akashic Records for 2012
2012 invites magical,
mystical thinking and looking deeply within one’s depths. It also demands that
we look deeply into the Galactic Eye/I that looks upon us with great love and
anticipation. The New Earth and the New Human are about to be born. Aggressive,
dominating behavior over another will no longer be tolerated. And the violent
wielders of power must lay down their arms. Offenders will be brought to
justice either through incarceration or through serving community.
2012 is the landmark year
where the gates to true freedom will be selectively opened and the planetary
quarantine lifted. We will be entering a probationary period in which to prove
ourselves responsible and accountable to each other and to our planet. There
has been a critical mass of opened mental portals to allow for 2-way
dimensional travel. And the time will come to meet our galactic neighbors. It
will be a beautiful re/union. Those who are more hooked into the cosmic web
will be the space-time travelers and those more terra firma oriented will be
the earth keepers. It will be a time to disarm, organize and work joyfully
together for the good of all beings. Everyone will commit to planetary
service—planting/feeding, rebuilding, retrofitting, educating and caretaking.
Art and play, philosophy and discourse will replace religion. Anything less
than this will be in breach of the divine plan. Any structures or beliefs that
do not support the common good and the well being of all will imminently
The Water Dragon year is
most auspicious for sowing seeds for the new paradigm and creating new
structures. We are each being reorganized to handle powerful radiant energy
that will bombard the Earth and our nervous systems. Many will be unable to
hold the charge and will descend while many more will be supercharged, so to
speak, and amped up to the increasing planetary vibrations. We are at the cusp
of an evolutionary leap in consciousness.
The Dragon is the great seer
and guardian. Call in her energy and be her keeper. Let her guide and protect
you, as this year demands great courage to release the residue of fear, trauma
and lies carried in cellular memory. Disengaging from the old order and old way
of being will make it null and void. It is time to proclaim and welcome in the
new spiritual being.