A Day of Play En Route to 12/21/12

To begin my day, I pulled the oracle card, "Player—Child of Worlds", from the Voyager Tarot deck. This card represents the inner child's playfulness, so I shall observe author, James Wanless' delightful interpretation:

Like the child, you are an apprentice. Learn how to live and how to practice your art by playing at it. Take the pressure off yourself. You are only an initiate going through a rite of passage. Enjoy the journey of life because the journey IS life. Be a perpetual beginner. As a beginner, you can only do your best. Enjoy the process—the play of life.

Ah, sweet! I took heed as Earth apprentice on my magical walk through the desert ravine, cavorting with rocks, sand, cacti, cottontails and the winged ones, including butterflies lightening my path. I was greeted near my front door by a red tail hawk flying low and performing masterful acrobatics for me to rejoice in. White puffy clouds accentuating the endless blue sky and a stirring breeze were enough to proclaim that autumn in the Sonoran Desert is nigh. Though Tucson temps remain in the low 90s, the dreamy 80s are forecast this week with cool nights to finally enable us to open our windows.

So what is my art in this play of life? It is exploring the inner and outer, micro and macro realms of existence, of health and healing, and expressing the dynamic paradox through needles, words and being informed through the Akashic Records. My art is twofold: initiating healing and awakening through my vocation in acupuncture and avocation in writing. The Akashic Records, which I tap into for creative assistance, serve as a vehicle for greater depth of knowledge and soulful insight.

As a Scorpio with a full 5th House and Neptune Moon, I am awestruck daily by the mysteries of being an infinite spiritual being occupying a finite human form. I find the conundrum to be terrific theatre. This being human certainly is a guesthouse, “each moment a new arrival”, and each day a challenging divine crapshoot. I find sanity through cosmic humor, that as soon as we think we’re so smart and know it all, the universe gives us a swift kick in the pants to prove us otherwise. That’s divine intervention in my books. It takes a special person to appreciate irony and be able to laugh at our interesting and seemingly unsolvable “predicament”.

What an amazing time it is to be alive, despite the noise and confusion! Maybe we’re just experiencing planetary growing pains. The play is watching consciousness unfold and the universe expand almost before our eyes. Time seems to be speeding up and demanding our attention. I think the energy surrounding the 12/21/12 solstice and the march into 2013 offer an exciting turning point that is said could catapult human awareness into a higher vibratory frequency of planetary awakening. According to the Mayan calendar, a 5,125-year cycle is ending to allow for a more evolved, universal cycle to begin. 

Hey, I’m in, because what if it’s true? What if the hippies and John Lennon were right? What if we are f-i-n-a-l-l-y stepping into a greater awareness where we f-i-n-a-l-l-y get it that we’re all one—one with all sentient beings, one with the earth and that the universe is within us? This understanding would make war, hatred, judgment and fear-based religion obsolete. Wooooooo hooooooo! As planetary citizens, we would each do our part to be responsible stewards to ensure the health and well being of all.

I do believe that a planetary birth is in progress, as expounded by evolutionary visionaries such as Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Shift Movement, the late Jose Argüelles and Teillard de Chardin and their proposed noospheric thought field, Ervin Lazslo’s Akashic field theory and Worldshift 2012, and many others who have long been guiding lights in the consciousness movement. I believe the call has been heard and that the momentum is building. All it may take is a little nudge for rapid and possibly sudden change to occur. The astrology certainly demands it with Uranus-Pluto Square and Saturn in Scorpio. It may be nothing short of a spiritual r/evolution. Saturnian systems, such as government, military, medicine and education, are the last to change; but they, too, will change out of necessity and demand. I am hopeful and committed to this transformation.

Meanwhile, as an apprentice with my inner child, I will follow her lead to play and imagine all these wonderful possibilities. I want her to show me again and again the miracles and magic that are everywhere. I say, “Yes!” to the journey that is showing us how to live more authentically and love more deeply.


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