Enough is More, or Less is Plenty
As I picked up a copy of
“More” magazine http://www.more.com at a friend’s home, I pondered this being
yet another propaganda rag seducing women to want more since we obviously do not have or are enough. So we have a billion dollar industry geared to make us think we need unachievable
physical perfection, ageless beauty and be trendy. It’s just become
soooooooo boring and self-indulgent to me when aging is inevitable and perfection is impossible.
I want to publish a magazine
entitled “Enough” and have an untouched cover photo of a healthy, unbotoxed,
mid to later-aged woman lying on the couch contentedly reading with cats. Oh,
that would be me! It would be a very Zen-like, Taoist mag with no articles or
ads on anti-aging or how to improve anything. It would just have crazy wisdom articles on being oneself and how humorous and complex it can be living in an aging body.
Alex came up with “less is
more than enough” and wants to start a movement: ENUF: Environmental Nation — a
Unified Front. More on that in a future article.
Surely it is enough that I
am who I am —a vital, curious, funny, dismayed, rapidly aging 63 y/o with sagging,
sun-damaged skin, who has maybe 15-20 “good” years left…if I'm lucky. In order to
cultivate a healthy mindset, I need to move my body through spin class, hiking
or running through the neighborhood arroyo. I figure I’m running for my life
and that movement is the best thing I can do to dissipate my anxious energy and
keep my mind from eating itself, that and relaxing with cats…and Alex.
One of my favorite
expletives is “Enough already!” Can we just slow down and reassess where we are and
WTF we’re doing? Under the auspices of needing more, can we just stop shooting each other and dropping bombs on
other nations and evolve into an attitude of Enough? We've got everything we need and more than enough, at least many of us do.
I feel that my mantra, and
our collective understanding, needs to be “Enough already! I am Enough. I have
Enough. Enough is More than plenty and more than I need! Thank you!”