Discovering a Personal Ally in the Akashic Field
During my return flight to Tucson from Chicago following my
Akashic leadership training, I had an epiphany. We had done some intense work
on ancestral and past-life healing, so I wasn’t surprised when the spirit of my
father appeared in this numinous fly-zone. What brought the tears was that he was being revealed as a great ally and overseer for my spiritual work, though he had died 27 years ago. Through connecting with our ancestors in the Akashic Records,
I saw him as the artist, spiritual seeker, playful being and now as a beacon of
light to support my journey as seeker and wayshower.
I was also shown why I would choose Eric and Marylou Stone as my
parents. From my pre-birth “zone of choice” somewhere in the
late 1940s by earth time, I saw this loving, established family of four on Evergreen
Street in Burbank, CA. They were listening to big band music on the radio while
mom cooked the family meal. I also saw my parents working out a spiritual
dilemma, unbeknownst to them. I wanted to come in and play with them
and be shown, and show them, the route to wholeness and freedom. I would arrive
on election day, 11/7/50.
My father left his homeland in Sweden to find a new life in
America within the budding film industry in Hollywood in the 1920s. He would
convert from being a Lutheran to a Christian Scientist after receiving a powerful near-death healing through the Victorian religion that professed mind over matter and
scorned modern medicine. My mother was born into Christian Science, so it was
this spiritual link that brought her and my father together.
I became confused by this religion at an early age. I could abide by everything
being spiritual and love and of the mind, but I couldn’t accept its denial
of matter. What about these physical bodies that get sick and die? That was an
error of thinking! So, I chose to come into a 1950s industrialized world fixated
on the material plane and the mind’s power of “reason”;
a world that essentially negated spirit, while my parents negated the material,
choosing Spirit as the essential reality. Perfect!
Through my parents’ wisdom and/or ignorance, they allowed
me to seek and find my own way. My mission was to find peace and freedom and discover
the interconnectedness of all things. They unknowingly granted me the space to
leave the tribe and to explore a path that would lead to Eastern philosophy and
later an avocation in Traditional Chinese Medicine. I would find spiritual
connection through Tibetan Buddhism and through the Akashic Records. The
freedom I had been seeking would show up for me in discovering spirit in matter—Yang
within Yin— and releasing limiting beliefs. I am still working on peace,
which I find through nature and being in alignment with my higher Self.