Coyote Medicine
I was hiking through my
sacred sandy, rocky arroyo this morning finding myself cursing an unknown
rancher in North Dakota. I had read through the Center for Biological Diversity
newsletter of a very rare wolverine that was gunned down. What gives a man with
a gun the right, I thought bitterly? Was the wolverine threatening the
rancher’s cattle, chickens or just there…something alive to shoot?
I am very reactive to
hearing about wild critters being senselessly killed. Then I looked up from my sandy
path to see my coyote ally up ahead of me. We both stopped to eye each other as
I called out “I am here! I see you!” (Actually, I called out “Oh, Hi!” in a
high-pitched voice that I might call to my domestic felines.) I imagined the
wild dog laughing to himself and thinking “It’s her!” as he trotted off into
the bush. You bet, it’s me, oh beautiful one, and I love that I got a glimpse
of you today! Be safe, oh wild one!
I then pondered how man has
been trying to “tame” the wild for eons. I get that it was to stay safe, fed
and warm. However, most Americans are now essentially safe (except from each
other), generally fed (who eats wolves, wolverines and coyotes anyway?) and most
humans are now thankfully clothed without fur. Yet there is a certain predatory
population who feels they have a right to kill anything in their path, the
bigger the better, as in immoral trophy killing in Africa.
I think it is high time for
the wild to tame man! Enough already! Meanwhile, I’m cultivating my wild
feminine so that I can become as fierce as Kali in my commitment to protect
flora and fauna from a certain unconscious human population. May they lay down
their arms to allow us to encircle our arms around them so they can learn to
love their own wild, feminine heart!