Arisal of the Liberated Spirit
According to my Akashic Records, the United States of
America is going through the biggest upheaval since the Civil War. This
includes social and political as well as geological turmoil. We’re experiencing
a crisis of the very soul of America and who we are as a people. That soul could
be viewed through the symbol of “Lady Liberty,” our feminine aspect, whose
power and grace we have mistreated and ignored. There is now a strong emphasis to remember and
honor this “Mother of Exiles,” the emblematic goddess who was to carry the
light of freedom for all people and for our blessed land.

Seeds for a more just and equitable world that were planted
in the sixties—civil rights, gender and economic equality, environmental protection—are
now bearing fruit as paradoxically seen through its opposites. Unresolved
issues of America’s past are destined to repeat themselves and can manifest as illness,
war, social unrest, and climatic upheavals. Truth is blooming everywhere
through the dissonance of denial and blame. Everything denied is exploding
before our eyes.
Take heed! This is a profound time of awakening to who we
are as humans and as planetary citizens, as past and present misdeeds are
being revealed. America is going through growing pains that demand we take
responsibility for the health of the Earth, each other, and our bodies. We can
no longer afford our excesses or abuses.
For a sensitive person, it is distressful to observe the
dissonance being played out so dramatically. It is natural to feel outraged or
aggrieved, to feel confused and ungrounded; however, do not despair! It is no
accident that you are here now, in this body, at this place, in this time!
We’re in the midst of major culture change, and our bodymind is working diligently to
adapt to a new way of being.
The archaic paradigm of
domination and control is transforming into cooperation, equality and
sustainability which is necessary for our evolution...necessary for our very
survival! Liberated, compassionate humans who believe in a promising, shared future are
wired for this. It’s time to reclaim and proclaim the compassionate, feminine
spirit and take our lead from Mother Earth. She is waiting for us!