Happy New Year!
Stoneland Shifting Times Bulletin
Volume 2 January 1, 2013
T’was the week between Christmas and New Years ‘13
And not a sign of The Shift had the Stonelanders seen
Yes, Linda had cleared out the den of debris
But lo and behold…that surely wasn’t the key
And though Alex had finished another school year
He couldn’t help notice that The Shift was not here.
But sitting in bed overlooking downtown
Our friends Alex and Linda felt all but let down
For the omens that accompanied the ‘signs of The Shift’
Made them feel that perhaps they’d not wanted that
The change they’d expected, for so long it’s not
Now left them feeling more hopeful and less dazed and confused…
Happy end time, new
time, big time, now time, wow time!
We’re still here…having
tiptoed through the nebulous 12/21/12 gateway and galactic alignment. Can you
feel it? Can you feel the lightness as we move from 3rd to 4th density?
Can you feel the love and
oneness with all things? You can’t?! How about that pastrami sandwich and beer
you had for lunch yesterday? What if everything has changed, but we just don’t
know it yet?
Since we’re evidently still here…what does that mean and look like? It looks exactly
like it did yesterday only it’s cloudy today, with a slight chance of rain…unless
you live in the desert! And by earth standards, we’re another day older and
deeper in debt.
What if we ARE at The Shift
of the Ages, e.g., moving from sinister Kali Yuga to divine Satya Yuga or from the dualistic Piscean Age to the unifying
Aquarian Age?
What if we are moving into a
new way of being and a new way of knowing beyond our conditioned, media-droned,
zomboid techno age? What if we are each our own best authority and that our
purpose is to help, to heal, to laugh, to express love and create beauty and
peace with each step and breath we take? Ahhhhhhhhh! Can you feel the bliss of
awakening along with the grief of knowing where we’ve been? No? Then you
probably voted for Romney and support the NRA.
Here are a couple ways to
help develop your lightbody and lighten up: Tequila and animal voice overs.
Meanwhile, back in 3-D earth
time…Alex continues to teach,
administrate and create his euphonious melodies. He’s currently reveling in the
most pleasing crescendo that he’s yet composed! Linda continues with her busy acupuncture
practice while allowing time to write, explore the cosmos and nurture her soul
through Nature and the Akashic Records. The expansiveness and beauty of Tucson
skies and desert environment offer great inspiration.
Overall, 2012 has been a
good year for us and we feel very blessed to be alive and well, to have supportive
friends and family and rewarding livelihoods. Why wouldn’t everybody want to
stick needles into people? Oops, sounds dangerous…but acupuncture is very safe,
healing and relaxing…with very fine needles unlike our local cacti! We await
the day when western medicine is considered complementary to traditional and
energy medicines, and prevention and wellness are the norm! Oh, that’s 4th
And with all this commotion
of being human and making the best of it, may the cosmic giggle strike you and trigger
spontaneous outbursts of glee. And may the wonder and amazement of being students
of Earth School inspire you to fall in love with everyone you meet!
Can you imagine?
Peace and love,
Your throw-back-to-the-60s
Linda ‘Joy-to-the-world’
Headmaster and Wanderer, Holland
and Mascot, Araina Boo Boo