Explorations of Peace and Patience in the Akashic Records

Ah, peace and now patience. I gratefully have “moments” of each when I can let go of myself, let go of the struggle to know, to do the right thing or to control. Peace and patience go hand in hand. You can have patience without peace, but I don’t think you can have peace without patience.
I am most patient when I am face to face with another’s authentic story and pain, less so with superficial story or drama, and least patient with myself when I’m caught in indecision. Here is where I could most benefit from patience when I don’t know what I want or need to do and feel pressured to act or decide. Patience can be like a beacon or holding pattern, a call to stay in one place to allow the play, the answer, the action to unfold and reveal itself in its own time. Too often, I want to push it along, make it happen, which I see can create a premature or forced outcome. Being patient and allowing what is revealed opens the way for peace.
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I had a dream where I discovered a T-Rex-like carcass entangled with the bones of the ancestors. I am terrified as I sense the beast is awakening and fear I will be devoured. I flee only to be confronted by the beast in human animal-like form. Instead of threatening me, he offers his magic. He creates a labyrinthine hedge surrounded by tall trees as an earthly protective barrier from the world at large. I felt like I was given the gift of the ancestors’ support as well as honoring the wild.
In working on patience and my issues around not having enough, especially time and money, it came to me that the devouring beast could represent uncontrolled desire for more—money, time, love, sex, youth, devices, luxuries, and more control over the uncontrollable, specifically aging, dying and death.
My vision of planetary growth and patience is first knowing and holding the awareness for myself that I have enough of everything I need, especially time and resources. If I can remain patient and steadfast in this knowledge and trust, then I am capable of holding this vision of enough resources for everybody on the planet. 
I am working on my impatience about the world not changing fast enough. My vision is to see green, sustainable communities and be a part of a sharing culture of goods and services. This would be where money is worth less (worthless?) and caring for and sharing with one another is of greatest value. I hold fast on this inevitability and holding the vision for a change in value system from the desire for more to the need for less. Appropriate action for me is living simply, patiently and promoting “less is more” and “enough is plenty”. Peace abounds in a world where everyone has enough and we honor “everybody does better when everybody does better.”


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